Submitting a manuscript
Publication guidelines and citation rules in pdf.
The authors are asked to closely follow all formal requirements. Manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines will be returned prior to being entered into the review process.
Manuscripts for consideration by the editorial board of PES should be submitted as a word and pdf document to journal’s official email at Be sure to supply your name, affiliation, and e-mail.
The submission deadline for the next issues is:
PES XXXII (2024): September 30, 2023
PES XXXIII (2024): February 28, 2024
PES XXXIV (2025): September 30, 2024
The language of PES is English, preferably British English. For all manuscript submissions, the journal requires proofreading provided by a native English speaker with the proper erudition. The proofreading is the responsibility of the author(s) and should take place prior to manuscript submission. Upon non-compliance with this request, the manuscript will be returned and the author(s) asked to provide English proofreading prior to resubmission. The journal reserves the privilege to do any language or formal emendations of all texts (particular changes to be approved by the author).
By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) declare(s) that the work was neither published anywhere else, nor simultaneously offered for publication in another journal. At the same time, the author(s) declare(s) that the manuscript has no legal defects and has the right of publication. Where permission must be obtained, it is the author’s responsibility to secure it in writing from the copyright owner. If any copyright fees are to be paid, these are also the author’s responsibility. The originals of written permissions must be submitted together with the manuscript to the editors for the records. In case of publication of material from archaeological excavations, the author(s) may be asked to provide a written permission from the head of the mission(s) to publish the material. In all cases, whether permission is required or not, you must give a full source citation for all quotations in your manuscript.
The editorial board and executive editor of the journal take issues of copyright infringement, plagiarism or other breaches of good practice in publishing very seriously. PES seeks to protect the rights of all authors and always investigates claims of plagiarism or misuse of published articles. Equally, PES seeks to protect the reputation of the journal against malpractice. Submitted articles may be checked with duplication-checking software. Where an article is found to have plagiarised other works or includes third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgement, or where the authorship of the article is contested, PES reserves the right to take action including, but not limited to: publishing an erratum or corrigendum (correction); retracting the article; taking up the matter with the head of the department or the dean of the author’s institution and/or relevant academic bodies or societies; or taking appropriate legal action.
Please be advised that submission is not a guarantee of publication. All papers and reports will be subjected to an anonymous double-blind peer review process involving two independent specialists in the respective field. In case of major discrepancies between both reviews, a third review will be called for. The final decision whether to publish the manuscript or not is taken by the full editorial board, based on the article and the reviews. Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, the author(s) will be asked to sign a publishing licence agreement with the Faculty of Arts, Charles University.
Inquiries about the submission of manuscripts may be addressed to the journal’s executive editor, Marie Peterková Hlouchová, at
Sign | Keyboard shortcut | Sign | Keyboard shortcut | Sign | Keyboard shortcut | Sign | Keyboard shortcut |
$ | Alt + 036 | Å | A$ | ł | Alt + 0179 | Ü | Alt + 0220 |
^ | Alt + 094 | Å | a$ | Ľ | Alt + 0188 | ü | Alt + 0252 |
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– | Alt + 0150
dash |
đ | Alt + 0240 | Ñ | N~ | ŭ | u˘ |
° | Alt + 0176
degree |
È | E% | ñ | n~ | Ÿ | Y$ |
´ | Alt + 0180
minute |
è | e% | Ņ | N$ | Ź | Alt + 0143 |
˝ | Alt + 0189
second |
Ē | E‡ | ņ | n$ | ź | Alt + 0159 |
„ | Alt + 0132 | ē | e‡ | Ô | Alt + 0212 | Ż | Alt + 0175 |
“ | Alt + 0147 | Ę | Alt + 0202 | ô | Alt + 0244 | ż | Alt + 0191 |
† | Alt + 0134
death |
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@ | Alt + 064 | Ë | Alt + 0203 | ő | Alt + 245 | ||
[ | Alt + 091 | ë | Alt + 0235 | Ö | Alt + 0214 | ||
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by |
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absolute value |
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‰ | Alt + 0137 | Ġ | G$ | ø | o¦ | ||
÷ | Alt + 0247 | ġ | G$ | Ō | O‡ | ||
© | Alt + 0169 | ħ | h‡ | ō | o‡ | ||
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Ą | Alt + 0165 | ì | i% | ş | Alt + 0186 | ||
Ą | Alt + 0185 | İ | I^ | Ţ | Alt + 0222 | ||
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